Friday, June 01, 2007

Tough Kids: Part 5

This may be the last of the Tough Kids photos, unless I attend the Sunday morning kick-off. However, since I'm wrenching on the Tulsa Tough both Saturday and Sunday, I'll probably have some photos from out on the road. I'm working the Super Rest Stop Number 4 on both days, each of them on the century routes. Saturday's is in Ochelata, and Sunday's is in Sahoma. I don't think I've ever been to either town, so here's hoping I don't get lost.

A few of us got together last night to go over the bikes once again. Mostly we re-tensioned chains and fixed flat tires.

The warehouse has no electricity, so we worked near some windows until the sun went down.

I'd estimate that we covered no more than a quarter of the bikes, maybe as much as a third. Adam Vanderburg will be there again today working at getting them ready for the pickup tomorrow. I won't be able to help because I have another project to complete.

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