Sunday, April 29, 2007

Oklahoma Bicycle Crash Survey

Forwarded from Pete Kramer:

The 2006 OBC Bicycling Accident Surveys are still open.

So far we've had reports from about 30 bicyclists. That's about half the number from 2005.

If you suffered a bicycling accident during 2006 we'd like to know about it.

This year there are two surveys: one for road bicyclists, one for trail/mountain bicyclists. The links below will take you to the appropriate survey. Some of us many need to use both!

Mountain Bike Accident Survey:

Road Bike Accident Survey:

As we learned from last year's 2005 survey, bicycle accidents are under reported because if the police aren't called, no statistics are sent to DPS. Since many communities are now planning improvements to bicycling facilities this information can help them learn what causes bicycle accidents and hopefully correct problems before they are built.

All responses are anonymous. The survey will be open for 30 more days, and will close on May 31, 2007.

If you know someone who had a bicycling accident in 2006 please point them to the proper link.

Thanks for your help.

- - - -
Visit the New OBC website at!

"We are four dimensional beings in three dimensional bodies, looking out two-dimensional windshields." -- Cowboy Neal at the Wheel


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Blogger Paul Tay said...

Santa has NO incidents of note to report for 2006.

Hasn't bicycle incidents/"accidents" been DONE to DEATH?

Most bicycle incidents are one-off's, hitting a pothole, sliding on loose sand, and hitting road debris.

According to all the major studies, the most common bicycle versus motor vehicle incident for the vehicular cyclists is the left-turn hook. Cyclist going straight through intersection. Motor vehicle, making left turn, going the opposite direction, nails the hapless cyclist.

So, people, always look for the left-hooker at intersections that allow left turns.

Use a rear-view mirror to do the Shall We Dance? routine with idiots coming up your six, way too fast, and way too CLOSE. They are usually cute sorority chicks or some impatient bigshot wannabe yapping on the cell. You can also scare the bejesus outta them by diving toward them, as they make the lane change, close enough to spit, before you jerk the bike back toward the right.

Makes 'em wet their pants!

5:41 PM  
Blogger Paul Tay said...

And, NEVER allow 'em to pass in the same lane, unless YOU are confident they won't nail you.

Play drunk, tired, or otherwise CRAZY in situations where they think they OWN the two-lane road with NO passing yellow lines. They'll get the message REAL quick.

So what if they call 911? Fight EVERY "impeding" and "ride right" charge in court.

5:52 PM  
Blogger Paul Tay said...

If you don't fight for your rights to the roadway, you DESERVE to be the next roadkill. Santa has NO sympathy for gutter trolls.

8:05 PM  

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